Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The River Whispers

My river speaks in whispers
the sound of it's voice reaches me beneath the rumbles of traffic,
grievances of sea-birds
and the chorus of leaves in the wind

It's breath smells of mud and stones
as it smears the dampness of growing things
inside my nostrils

To me, it murmurs secrets
why the maples crowd it's banks to watch
it's slow parade to the sea
how it's waters, siphoned from beneath the mountains,
tastes in the mouth of the ocean

It unravels mysteries of being bridge, hurdle, artery
to the beating heart of this world
and in it's hushed, trickling voice
it imparts the wisdom of enduring-
the beauty of moving, always to bigger things

The River Whispers by Dakota Farley

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