Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Country Music- 7/22/2011

There'll come a time, little sister

You'll miss 
the swinging slam of a screen door.
The soft stick of Mommas laminate floor.
You'll Remember and miss them all the more.

You'll miss 
singing loud together out of tune.
Hearing them sleep as you share a room.
You'll remember and wish to go home soon.

You'll miss
the green of grass.
Little sister's sass.
You'll remember and hope it lasts.

There'll come a time, little sister

You'll take out your own trash
hear the sounds of the city crash.
Feel constantly strapped for cash.

You'll sweep and mop
feeling like you're drowning in blacktop.
Give anything to make it stop.

You'll feel lost
Hate how much rent costs.
All around the country tossed.

And even if it's not home, country music won't sound so bad.

Country Music by Dakota Farley

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