Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. ~Kahlil Gibran

Monday, May 21, 2012

To Be As Stone

To give all my love
without holding on
To get what little
you have, whats not yet gone
To think of you seeking
and finding some other
safe harbor
How have I been insufficient,
Im sinking, holding on
for dear life
"Not too tight" I think,
frantic in my strife
Because Ill crush you
like glass in my desperate hands
You'll shatter and scatter
to the distant four winds
Leaving me where you found me,
drifting in the vast ocean, alone
Unthinkable, unacceptable,
the only option, to be as stone
To silently, and so serenely sink
Sever that obsessive link.
To swim isnt a choice now.
In all these long years,
I've forgotten how.
My lungs full of seawater,
to you I dont even matter
So now, into the waters
of eternity I sink
Given now, the room to think
on mistakes and choices made
and suddenly, no longer afraid
Better to die than be
a person someone else has made
A smile now on my stoney face
I peacefully go to my watery resting place

To Be as Stone by Dakota Farley

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